Before that, I need to tell you what happen to my thumb drive today. Hm... working in school, shared 8 computers with 80 teachers. I am sure that you can imagine how terrible the computers' condition are. haha... It doesn't border me anyway. Just, I am so LUCKY that I got a virus attack on my thumb drive today. What is that so special to make me blog it?

haha... can you imagine how I feel when I saw all my folder gone (I thought it's gone at the 1st place)? I checked my thumb drive properties, found out that the usage of my thumb drive is still high. I got 4GB to use and after all the folder gone, I got only 2GB more to use. It's not possible. So, I tried to scan my thumb drive. I found that the antivirus program is still scanning all my folders. Which means, all my files was hidden, somehow I couldn't see it although I change my folder option - view - show my hidden files and folders. ehm... end up, I believe that I was attacked by virus! Ish!!
Asked my colleague who is quite expect in computer. He asked me scan the thumb drive and kill the virus 1st. Which I did. Then, he asked me pluck in my thumb drive again. Open RUN - type Attrib -H -r -s /S /d *:\*.* then, click OK. I tried. ehm... It's not working!!!
Anyway, I am grateful that I like to use google. So, I google it! Hehe....
The code to type it after open RUN should be:
Attrib -H -r -s /S /d #:\*.*
The # code must replace your thumb drive place. See the picture below:
So, check which drive your thumb drive is. Then, the code should be like this:
Attrib -H -r -s /S /d H:\*.*
Yeah! After I key in the code above, my folders in the thumb drive return! It worked great!
Thanks god! What a great fix. It's the small things in life that make me happy.
ehm.. read the article I found. They said the virus is a old DOS virus. You may check the virus detail here.
Give you the article I found too. Have fun reading!! =)
A lucky day and I know the good day will never end to us! =)